March is here, and April is just around the corner. Warmer weather complements each day, and birds sing, hoping for gardens, vacation, and flowers. Winter is behind us, and you worked hard to get your tax return e filed. You anticipate a refund and know that you want to have enough money to start paying bills you set aside and find those good deals that always seem to be around during tax season.
You weren’t sure what your exact refund would be until your accountant decided what to claim as expenses and how to track these better during 2022 so an e file could be done faster.
As a business owner, there are so many things to track, claim, and report that it’s like you are never prepared enough no matter what you do. A business owner is busy!
After your tax return was e filed, you were made aware you would receive a large amount of money this year. It is the significant chunk of cash you will probably get all year, and you know you need to use it for bills and to pay down some outstanding personal debt.
When you e file taxes, you get the money quicker.
The refunds from both your personal and business can both be directly deposited into your bank accounts instead of waiting for the internal revenue service check in the mail or a check for your state tax return.
Tax returns are being processed in about 21 days by the internal revenue service as long as there aren’t errors.
In the past, you have used the IRS phone system to see your filing status and when your refund might be in the bank. With e file, you don’t bother to do this anymore because the money comes in quickly.
You ran a credit report to see if anything was outstanding, and it gives you security, knowing no one is using your social security number to buy things or get a loan.
You see the regular monthly payments you own for both your business and you’re personal. You have a list of when each payment is due.
You call the bank and get payoffs for significant bills. This seems to make you smile, maybe like a reward because you see how much you have paid down on your accounts but then sad because you still have outstanding balances. You continue to work hard to get bills paid and set aside some money for savings.

You worked hard all year running your landscaping business and weren’t always happy about paying quarterly taxes. You also knew that doing so would help in the future when you filed your returns.
You had hoped you could have taken the wife to the movies a bit more or used your paycheck to buy her diamond necklaces throughout the year, but you also knew these were dreams that would be better accomplished when you had more cash to spend freely.
Your budget has shifted some, and you know that you can now afford to buy gold earrings for your mom and that you wouldn’t mind shopping for some emerald or diamond necklaces for your wife. Heck, you would like a new Rolex.
The play-less work-hard moto you applied for in 2021 will give you enough money to pay down all your bills and cover everyday spending.
Maybe this would be the time to use your state tax return to play a little and visit some of the local pawnshops with a large selection of luxury things.
You had visited pawnshops before and knew that people took things in to get rid of them. Still, after talking to a pawnbroker at Parker Pawn, you realized that sometimes people get in an emergent financial situation and need the most cash they can get and fast. They may not have the money to cover bills or an unexpected financial emergency.
A Pawn shop has an option for short-term collateral loans and provides buying services on gold, silver, fine jewelry, luxury handbags, electronics, brand name power tools, and musical instruments.

Parker Pawn Shop
Last year you remembered when you were working out by Ft. Bragg, NC, that your wife said she went to the Sip and Shop at Parker Pawn and found some fine gold necklaces she liked. When you were able to talk with her about her visit, she said the event was classy, and there were so many gold earrings and lovely silver, gold, and diamond rings she didn’t want to leave.
You thought you would go by the Pawn Shop and see what they had in their large selection of luxury watches. You had spent some time searing the internet and looked at Parker Pawn’s website as well as each Google Review to decide if this was a place you wanted to shop at.
Your tax return would be deposited into your bank account sometime this week, and you wanted to see what you could find ahead of time. You wanted a Rolex!
Walking into Parker Pawn shop, you were greeted by the friendly team. They explained they had experienced jewelry buyers that appraise necklaces and earrings, and other valuable things being brought in and give the customer the best deal they can.
They said some people want to sell outright while others wish to pawn. The reality is that not all loans are paid off, so the collateral items are then sold to cover the loan cost.
As you looked in the cases, you noticed the great prices on brand name tools and thought this would be a place you could replace some of your worn-out tools with good ones that cost less. Sometimes you didn’t want to wait for an Amazon delivery and needed specific tools to get the job done.
You saw a diamond ring and didn’t have to wait for the pawnbroker to pull it out from all the other rings. It was pretty, and your wife would be delighted with it.
There were several choices for diamond earrings, and you thought of your mom. You asked to see a few wells within our budget and if the shop would hold them.

To your delight, they suggested doing a short-term collateral loan so you could buy the necklace and earrings and then pay it off as soon as your income tax refund came in at the end of the week. He said that people do get pawn loans for precisely this reason. You asked if you had to create an account, do a credit check, and all those other things banks won’t, and the pawnbroker said “no” all I needed was a state ID and the item you wanted to loan against.
You thought, why not. You looked at the luxury watches and found a beautiful Rolex. It was perfect—a preowned Rolex Oyster Perpetual in fantastic shape. The luxury watches in the display cabinet all had great prices. You talked to the pawnbroker, and he said he could make you some good deals on any diamond necklaces, gold and diamond earrings, and luxury watches I wanted to buy.
You went home and got the items you wanted to use as collateral for the short-term loan and returned them to Parker Pawn. The pawnbroker appraised the things and went over the process of pawning. You were delighted about how much cash you got from the luxury items, and the dollar amount was higher than you expected.

When you were walking around the meticulously clean showroom, you spotted some gold bullion and thought this would make an excellent investment. You were hopeful you could get the same great prices on it as you did on the jewelry and what you pawned.
With gold bringing considerable dollar amounts, you researched investing in gold as part of a financial portfolio. You knew that in life, nothing happens overnight, and it may take a while for the return on investment to show up. You can look at many sites to find out the market value of gold and what the predictions are. You defiantly did your reach, and new pawn shops were a great place to find affordable prices.
With the current events in the world, inflation, and the United States economy, gold seemed like a reasonable choice.
You concluded the pawn loan with the pawnbroker at Parker Pawn and realized for the first time how pawn shops are a financial resource for the community they serve. You would undoubtedly tell other friends about the pawn shop and your experience.

As you closed the deal and started to leave, the friendly pawnbroker told you about getting your contact information so you could be put on an “opt-in” niche list. He explained the list was an exclusive list of individuals interested in a specific service or product. He let me know that the gold list they have alters customers by text when gold comes available or buying and selling gold for great prices. I immediately signed up!

Parker Pawn
We are a full-service pawn shop with three stores in Fayetteville, NC. We offer short-term collateral loans, buying services, and retail stores.
We buy and sell luxury items like Rolex, Luis Vuitton Handbags, diamond jewelry, gold, billion, name brand power tools, musical instruments, and electronics.
The pawn shops have large retail storefronts and an online store. There are items like gold and silver jewelry available for purchase and added to your investment portfolio.